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Life Chez Dee Episode #27: Walking is good for my body, mind, soul and writing


Today I went for a walk …. A Nordic walk. Those of you who read my blogs regularly, will know how much I love Nordic Walking. I’m hooked.

I’ve skipped a few sessions. We’ve been away on holiday, and of course the Summer Holidays have made things a bit tricky for me to go for my walk with poles as I need to be around for Oliver. That’s not to say that I’ve not been walking, goodness no. We’ve done lots of walking during the summer holidays, and particularly on our break in Cornwall we’ve walked many a coastal path, and even went out in rain so torrential I’m surprised we didn’t spot animals boarding an ark! We’ve had day trips, and we’ve pounded the footpaths and fells in the Lake District and the Peak District.

The boys are back to school and college and I managed to meet up with Bart and his group of regular Nordic Walkers last week, and went for a lovely blow on the seafront walking with my poles.

I’ve been good recently. I’ve lost a bit of weight. I have no idea how much because there are no batteries in my bathroom scales, but I know that a pair of jeans I was unable to get over my thighs on our recent holiday, now fit comfortably, and I’m even able to grab an inch or two in the legs!

How have I done this weight loss? Nothing fancy; just cutting back. It’s not rocket science that if you eat less than you’re burning up you’re going to lose weight. I’ve cut out sugar, weekend treats and most importantly … bread. Bread I think is the one thing which piles on the pounds for me. Cutting out all this has had a dramatic effect on my weight. I’m really pleased; I’m really proud that I’ve managed to resist all temptation, especially when offered naughty, forbidden food by William! I still have a long way to go and plenty of pounds still to shift … its quite incredible how quick and easy it is to put on weight … the odd naughty day, the odd two naughty days, weight creeping up and up … and of course I’ve been guilty of comfort eating too. When times are tough I eat.

I don’t miss food during the day at all, I’m too busy, I’m dashing around here and there and far too busy to notice. The time I miss picking at food is in the evening, after we’ve had our family meal, dishes done, sandwiches made for the packed lunches the following day. When I eventually get to sit down for the evening. Catch up on some emails, Catch up on some TV, that’s when I need to pick at some food. I’m training myself to reach for the fruit bowl if I need a little something … and so far so good, it’s working.

I turned up to walk this morning. I take my poles and I stride out. It feels good. I’m walking purposefully with the bungy poles. Feeling every arm swing, every stride. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve shed a few pounds, but I felt good, and fast, and like I was really walking at a good pace. I know that not only has Nordic walking improved my fitness, it has also improved my posture. I’ve noticed, but so has the lady who sorts out my back. She’s noticed I’ve lost weight, but she’s also noticed my shape change, and my improved state of my back, neck and shoulders. That has to be the walking which is improving my posture.

Bart talks to me about my writing, wanting me to do some writing for him. Of course, I jump at the chance, I love writing … it’s my new found love, something I not only enjoy, but actually think I’m rather good at. Bart thinks so too, so much so that he’d like me to write a couple of articles for him … we discuss … and you’ll have to wait a while before you can read these … watch this space.

I’ve walked again today … my first pole walk in the rain. Do you want to work hard today? Bart asks me. Of course I do ... so its cheetah poles for me today … no wonder I want to stride out with these 4kg bungy poles. We walk out of Lowther Gardens, along the seafront, across the square, into Lytham Hall down the long driveway, around the pond, up to the mound, out of the back gate into Witch Wood, and back to Lowther Gardens. It was lovely, it was refreshing. It was so nice for me to stride out, to be in the fresh air, having headspace, breathing space, thinking space. Out and about with nothing disturbing me, feet on the ground, thinking of everything, and nothing; looking at the views, the grass, the trees, the plants, the rain in my face; totally free and unburdened.

I’ve said before that I don’t know if I’d be out and about on a day like today if it weren’t for the fact that I’d already asked Bart if I could join him on a walk this morning. So I’m glad I met and became friends with Bart, and all the lovely people in the Nordic walking groups. There for a chat should you wish; there for company if you wish; and there to walk with you and give you your own space if you wish too. The company, the friendship, the support, the camaraderie, the connecting with nature, the whole physical, mental emotional wellbeing which comes with Nordic Walking is immeasurable.

I feel like I’ve worked today … my arms, my legs, my heart … all worked without feeling overwhelmed by the exercise. Striding out, and feeling so good that I didn’t feel like I was working hard, but goodness, I’m feeling that hard work now as I sit to write this blog.

Interestingly I was asked today “Are you the lady who writes the blogs? I recognise you; they’re very interesting.” I smiled … usually I’m recognised from my charity role, being out and about raising awareness; from going into groups or schools; people asking me if I’m Edward’s mum. Today was the first day someone recognised me as a writer … made my day.



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