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Life Chez Dee Episode #36: Garden #forEdward

I’ve had such a lovely day today. I’m feeling rather like a great deal has been accomplished, but I’m cold … really cold. I’m naturally a cold blooded person … I’m cold most of the time if I’m honest; but when I get cold I stay cold, I just cannot warm up no matter how warm the house is when I get back. When I’m chilled to the core, the only solution to get warm is to have a bath, get in pjs, dressing gown, slippers and cosy up in a big armchair with a hot drink. Those who know me will know how cold I get, always needing blankets, always needing jumpers and cardis … even in Summer I am rarely without a cardigan!

Anyway, having eventually warmed up this evening, I’m just going over my thoughts on the day. It was such a lovely day in Lytham; the rain stayed away for us, and the sun shone; it only started to feel cold when the sun went in behind the clouds, but we didn’t really notice it whilst we were all busy working in the garden.

Today, it was lovely to be gardening with Greg, as always, but also with Justin again, and with his sister, my sister in law, who doesn’t live locally, so it was really lovely to have her joining in with this project for Edward, her nephew. Claire and James were there too, both having helped with this garden project from the start, both having had the support of the companies they work for. Enterprise Rent a Car, who Claire works for, have donated money for this garden project; and Beaverbrooks, who James works for have allowed him time to give to the charity. It was rather surreal being at the garden on the corner of Haven Road, where Booths is located, the store where I first met James.

And whist I’m giving a shout out to all those who have got their hands dirty, helped, supported and been involved, I need to say thank you to Dayna, from Enterprise who used time provided by the company for this charity work; to Dickon Barnaby for getting and indeed tipping and spreading all that compost on the beds; and to Jeanette Richardson, Claire Blain and my mum in law for also helping with the digging and planting in the Summer.

Summer bedding over, it was time to take out all that had died back, and replace with cyclamen, wallflowers, pansies, heathers, tulip and crocus bulbs, with even more bulbs being planted on the grassy bend which will treat us to some glorious colour in the spring. So nice is it to see the beds planted up again. The flowers in the beds this summer, all in bloom, made this garden stunning and a beautiful haven to sit, and the photos I’ve seen, part of those commissioned by Greg, and taken by the very talented Ruth Brooks Carter were stunning too. Again, such a small world, as it’s Ruth who took the lovely photo of the Firecracker Candle #forEdward.

The beds are all replanted now, and yes the plants need to fill out, and come into their own, but the beds look absolutely lovely, and I can’t wait for them to be adding that colour through the drab cold winter months. The garden looks, and is indeed, very much loved. People have taken ownership of it. It has an identity now, and a purpose.

Bringing people together to plant with us in the garden; to sit and use the garden; to look at, to enjoy, get involved, take a leaflet, read about it, talk about it; supporting the community with this local project and raising awareness in the process is all what the charity strives to do. This community garden project has been such a success; those involved have loved being a part of it, as too have those who have used the garden.

I have loved seeing people using the garden; sitting there on the bench, with their books, coffees, or even fish and chips; those walking past and admiring. I love it when pictures are taken and sent to me showing that people are enjoying taking time out there. The gardens have looked so lovely this summer, full of colour. One bed full of fire colours, sympathetic with the situation of being in front of the fire station, but also because of Edward’s love of fire. The other bed full of blues, oranges and whites, the colours associated with the charity.

I’d really love some groups and schools and even businesses to help me enhance the garden further … whether it be plants, bird boxes, bird feeders, composters, bug hotels, stones; get in touch if you want to be a part of this charity and this community garden project.

The garden has come such a long way in a year, since that first day when I met with Greg of Leafy Lytham Garden Hub, and we discussed doing a charity community garden project together. Greg has given so much of his time and expertise in planning the garden, and helping us with the planting and maintenance of it too. But it has been so nice to work together with Greg, to provide volunteers to help plant, weed, water the garden, rather than it all falling to Greg to keep on top of. The beds are lovely, the signage is up, and leaflets are there so people can read about the charity, the work we do, and that it is the charity which has made this space so lovely for all. The time given by those who have helped is very much appreciated, but of course we always need more help, and if you’re able to help when we plant the garden, if you’re able to do a bit of tidying either now and then, or on a regular basis, please speak to me. I have tshirts, green ones for gardening, and you too could be owning one of these if you come and join our gang and get on the Garden TEAM #forEdward.

So lots more to come, and lots more for you to see and admire over the winter months and into the Spring, when the next lot of colour will be planted. The only thing I'd still like to do this year though is I'd like to put some lights in the tree, therefore if you know how this can be done, and you can offer any help with this, either financial or practical, I’d be very grateful.

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